Night stroll with Caitlin, Fuji Superia Xtra 400, Nikon F4.
Biked over to my friend's place to see their new born through the window during covid 19. Shot on Nikon F4 with Fuji Superia Xtra 400.
A roommate casually strolls into your room after his shower. Fuji Superia Xtra 400, Nikon F4.
Just a portrait of a man shot in Fuji Superia Xtra 400 with a Nikon F4.
Nikon F4 loaded with Kodak Portra 400 in action. Shot on 50mm in Bella Coola and Vancouver, BC. The dynamic range is unreal. Low light situation. Great tones. Inside garage. Ambient daylight at home. Details in the shadows can be salvaged. Back light. Can't see
Recently got this roll of Kodak Portra 400 developed from a local lab, and scanned at home using the Epson v850. It was the first film negative I scan in like 6 years and I didn't have proper cleaning
Lucky for us, Steve and Tina had organized a helicopter trip up to a mountain peak in Bella Coola for a nice picnic brunch. The helicopter ride up was one of the most exhilarating experiences I ever had, as
Back in the day, I used to have a blog where I would watch a movie a day and breakdown its story structure into acts and interpret it accordingly to the Hero’s Journey. It lasted for like a week since
I'm back out on a tugboat with Gor, but this time with his son, Jordan, as well. I watch them as they salvage lost wood along the Bella Coola river after a recent storm.
I brought my 11 year old Nikon D3s on a leisurely tug boat ride in Bella Coola, BC. Still at 11 years old, this flagship model proves why investing in a body that comes every 4 years is