
Hi there! This is Esben, an elegant photography theme. Are you ready to show your work to the world?


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Brixton & Playing Catch Up

I’m in London now.  It’s been about 7 months, and I finally bought myself a laptop and got some work lined up.  Life’s kind of been crazy since I decided to started everything over and move to a new city.  What’s even harder to manage is that I turned 30 in January, and I’m starting to feel subtle differences the age brings regarding social and physical expectations.  For instance, my first job here was to work at Spring Studios, a commercial fashion studio, surrounded by young aspiring artists who will swear that the company had their best interest in them but in reality treated us like shit.  The younger workers got along with me well, but here and there I will notice them saying cute things to each other like: ‘David’s old’ or ‘He’s like 30 something’.  The physical labour of being a studio assistant at my age was gruesome and mentally humiliating, especially when working for younger, incompetent managers that milk you dry with an enslaving freelance contract.  I remember thinking to myself back when I was younger and worked for Pier 59 Studios in NYC that I would never be one of ‘those old dudes that gave up on art and still worked at studios’.  A lot of assumptions were made at that point, but I became that exact dude.

Moving from NYC, where I had somewhat of an established clientele base where I was able to shoot fashion or whatever that paid the bills and live my life, I was back in square one in this new city.  Without a laptop to take on any serious jobs, my main goal was to just go out into this new world and take street photos; just like when I was a kid having fun with my camera.  Now I have a laptop.  No excuses, I will continue to upload my progress in London, and try to catch up with the career I put on hold.


Written & Photographed by Choi David.






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