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‘Left Behind’ by Atanacio Perez

My photographic work focuses on detritus and objects discarded in urban landscapes. I approach these elements as found in still life. I photograph these overlooked spaces in order to convey the stories that they contain.

‘Left Behind’ is a collection of photographs taken in illegal dumpsites throughout the Bronx. The trash in these various locations reveal a great deal about the economic and social conditions of those who live in the area. As a resident of the Bronx, I am a daily witness to the conditions and the accumulating detritus. The sixteen photographs in this series share these experiences with a broader audience as reminder of the impact that urban existence plays on the urban environment.

Artist: Atanacio Perez // http://www.atanacioperez.com/

Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Bronx, NY

West 170th Street,
Bronx, NY

West 170th Street,
Bronx, NY

West 170th Street,
Bronx, NY

Edward L Grant Hwy
Bronx, NY

West 170th Street,
Bronx, NY

Edward L Grant Hwy
Bronx, NY

Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Bronx, NY

Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Bronx, NY

Merriam Ave
Bronx, NY

Edward L Grant
Highway, Bronx, NY

Edward L Grant
Highway, Bronx, NY

Edward L Grant
Highway, Bronx, NY

Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Bronx, NY

Jesup Ave, Bronx, NY

Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Bronx, NY


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